Scott Metals

Steel Columns and Posts: 89x89x5mm

Annual Holiday Closure Announcement
89x89x5mm Steel Columns & Posts
Duragal Finish or Fully Hot Dip Galvanised
Prices shown for Columns include the Top Plate Style displayed and an Inground Base Plate. Plates fully welded and Cold Galv Primed after fabrication. Alternative designs also available.
All Prices Updated on 28th Mar 2025 & INCLUDE GST
For 75x75x4mm Columns CLICK HERE        For 100x100x4mm Columns CLICK HERE
in mm
Top and
Base Plates
Std, Cnr or
Half Tops
3 Way
Tee Top
4 Way
Cross Top
Base Only
Hot Dip
Any Top
Plate Style
in mm
Top and
Base Plates
600 $72.00 $78.00 $81.00 $84.00 $58.00 $103.00 600
800 $85.00 $91.00 $94.00 $97.00 $71.00 $123.00 800
1000 $98.00 $104.00 $107.00 $110.00 $84.00 $143.00 1000
1200 $111.00 $117.00 $120.00 $123.00 $97.00 $164.00 1200
1400 $124.00 $130.00 $133.00 $136.00 $110.00 $184.00 1400
1600 $137.00 $143.00 $146.00 $149.00 $123.00 $204.00 1600
1800 $150.00 $156.00 $159.00 $162.00 $136.00 $224.00 1800
2000 $163.00 $169.00 $172.00 $175.00 $149.00 $245.00 2000
2200 $176.00 $182.00 $185.00 $188.00 $162.00 $265.00 2200
2400 $189.00 $195.00 $198.00 $201.00 $175.00 $285.00 2400
2600 $202.00 $208.00 $211.00 $214.00 $188.00 $306.00 2600
2800 $215.00 $221.00 $224.00 $227.00 $201.00 $326.00 2800
3000 $228.00 $234.00 $237.00 $240.00 $214.00 $346.00 3000
3200 $241.00 $247.00 $250.00 $253.00 $227.00 $366.00 3200
3400 $254.00 $260.00 $263.00 $266.00 $240.00 $387.00 3400
3600 $267.00 $273.00 $276.00 $279.00 $253.00 $407.00 3600
3800 $280.00 $286.00 $289.00 $292.00 $266.00 $427.00 3800
4000 $293.00 $299.00 $302.00 $305.00 $279.00 $448.00 4000
4200 $306.00 $312.00 $315.00 $318.00 $292.00 $468.00 4200
4400 $319.00 $325.00 $328.00 $331.00 $305.00 $488.00 4400
4600 $332.00 $338.00 $341.00 $344.00 $318.00 $508.00 4600
4800 $345.00 $351.00 $354.00 $357.00 $331.00 $529.00 4800
5000 $358.00 $364.00 $367.00 $370.00 $344.00 $549.00 5000
5200 $371.00 $377.00 $380.00 $383.00 $357.00 $569.00 5200
5400 $384.00 $390.00 $393.00 $396.00 $370.00 $589.00 5400
5600 $397.00 $403.00 $406.00 $409.00 $383.00 $610.00 5600
5800 $410.00 $416.00 $419.00 $422.00 $396.00 $630.00 5800
6000 $423.00 $429.00 $432.00 $435.00 $409.00 $650.00 6000
6200 $436.00 $442.00 $445.00 $448.00 $422.00 $671.00 6200
6400 $449.00 $455.00 $458.00 $461.00 $435.00 $691.00 6400
6600 $462.00 $468.00 $471.00 $474.00 $448.00 $711.00 6600
6800 $475.00 $481.00 $484.00 $487.00 $461.00 $731.00 6800
7000 $488.00 $494.00 $497.00 $500.00 $474.00 $752.00 7000
7200 $501.00 $507.00 $510.00 $513.00 $487.00 $772.00 7200
7400 $514.00 $520.00 $523.00 $526.00 $500.00 $792.00 7400
7600 $527.00 $533.00 $536.00 $539.00 $513.00 $813.00 7600
7800 $540.00 $546.00 $549.00 $552.00 $526.00 $833.00 7800
8000 $553.00 $559.00 $562.00 $565.00 $539.00 $853.00 8000
Columns are manufactured to your specific dimensions
Column pricing is calculated in 200mm increments
For example:
(3369mm Std 89x89x5mm Column = 3400 price of $254.00)
Structural Grade Nuts & Bolts, Cold Galv Paint, Welding Rods and Hardware Items available to complete your project. PDF BOLTS pricelist HERE

Scott Metals led the way by being the first to introduce pre-galvanised Steel sections in the manufacture of House Columns. This innovation promptly led to Architects, Engineers and Builders specifying this type of product as the industry standard. See the Pricing Table.

89x89x5.0mm Heavy Duty Thickness for Strength and Structural Integrity.

At Scott Metals' Brisbane based factory, five full time welders are dedicated to producing Steel House Posts, Shade Sail Posts, Security Protection Bollards, Fence Posts and Roof Riser Columns to our clients specifications, on time every time, using only the finest grade and quality Australian Made SHS, RHS & CHS.

75x75x4.0mm, 89x89x5.0mm and 100x100x4.0mm are the most common sizes of Steel House Columns. We use Australian Made Duragal-Plus SHS in the manufacture of our steel columns and steel posts. This product is a pre-galvanised, inside and out, steel box section. The total coating thickness of Duragal-Plus pre-galvanised sections is twice that of any other product currently available. See the Pricing Table above.

Generally these Steel House Support Posts consist of a welded base plate, for holding into a concrete footing, and a top plate in one of the configurations shown above. After fabrication the Top Plate, Base Plate and welds of Steel Duragal-Plus House Posts are painted with a Zinc Rich Cold Galvanised Primer to assist with corrosion prevention.

Hot Dip Galvanised: Should you require extra protection from the elements, then we recommend using Hot Dip Galvanised Columns. Hot Dip Galvanising is a process where the column, after manufacture, is completely immersed in molten zinc. This thick metallic zinc coating, that completely covers the interior and exterior column surfaces, provides a superior corrosion resistant finish. Fully Hot Dip Galvanised finished Posts require Extended Lead Times for manufacture and surface application treatment. Pricing Table above.

Top Plate Sizes for 89 x 89 x 5.0mm Columns: Our Standard top plate is 215mm long x 8mm thick with 2 @ 14mm holes set centrally 25mm in from each end. The Half top plate (also used in Corner configuration) is 165mm long with 1 @ 14mm centrally punched 25mm in from the end. The Tag plate used for TEE, CNR and 4 Way set up is 75mm square with 1 @ 14mm hole centrally punched 25mm in from the end. The Vertical top specifications for 89 x 89 columns are generally stipulated by the customer. Top Plates are also sold separately if required: STD - $14.00ea,
HALF - $11.00ea and TAG - $7.70ea; prices include GST.

Adjustable Tops: Shown above are available for all column sizes, but are fabricated specifically for use with 75 x 75 Columns. See the Adjustable Column Top page for further details, specifications and current prices.

Base Plate Sizes: Inground base plates typically 5mm thick, used for 89 x 89 columns are 150mm square. The column is Fully Welded, with a minimum 6mm fillet weld, centrally onto the base plate. Base Plates are also sold separately: Base89 - $7.70 price includes GST.

Welding: All Top and Base Plates are Fully Welded with a minimum 6mm continuous fillet weld, ensuring strength and structural integrity.

Alternative Designs: Square, Rectangular and Round steel sections in various sizes, thickness and finishes and different top or base plate configurations may be requested as well as side cleats, drilling, bracing tags or any other special needs. Contact Us to receive a quotation on your specific requirements.

Delivery: Steel House Posts can be delivered Door to Door in the Greater Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast areas or Collect from our Brisbane Depot. Contact Us for Delivery Prices and lead times for all your Steel Post Supplies.

Square, Rectangular and Round steel sections in various sizes, thickness and finishes, are used in the production of columns, shade sail and fence posts, mullions, power poles, protection bollards, stanchions, stumps, etc. Steel House Columns fabricated in our Brisbane factory from Quality Australian Made Products.

Post Stirrups: "T" Blade Post Supports and "U" Stirrups to suit a variety of post sizes are available ex-stock. See the Post Stirrup page for details and pricing.

Manufactured to your requirements - ON TIME, EVERY TIME.

Our Brisbane Steel Fabrication Division supplies Steel House Posts and Beams to Builders and the Home Handyman. In Brisbane Posts and Beams and PFC Channels are used to renovate Qld style homes and many other structural applications. Steel House Posts and Beams and PFC Channels the preferred option. Steel Posts are used for Carport Posts, Garage Posts, Pergola Posts, Support Posts and House Posts. In Brisbane House Stump Supplies, Steel Universal UB Beams and Steel PFC Channels are our speciality. Manufactured to Order, On Time...Every Time.

For the Earlybird, Steel Products, at our Brisbane depot, can be collected from 6:30am to 4:00pm Mon to Fri and 7:30am to 12:00pm Sat.

Scott Metals your Steel House Post and Steel Column Suppliers